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Top Age 12 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation July 2015

1Liang, Awonder (13999045)12WIUSA2483
2Patel, Advait (14472386)12OKUSA2356
3Niemann, Hans Moke (15041466)12CTUSA2313
4Brodsky, David (14380771)12NYUSA2312
5Peng, David Tianjian (14195454)12ILUSA2310
6Gorti, Akshita (14097165)12VAUSA2260
7Miyasaka, Marcus Ming (14026082)12NYUSA2253
8Taghizadeh, Rayan (13880825)12CAUSA2251
9Xie, Luke Bohua (14160368)12OHUSA2176
10Chen, Justin (14732288)12NYUSA2159
11Yang, Kevin S (14715374)12CAUSA2158
12Paul, Justin (14323420)12VAUSA2134
13Nguyen, Trung Q (14261903)12VAUSA2095
14Sun, Rick (14444430)12AZUSA2093
15Nguyen, Emily Quynh (13942431)12TXUSA2091
16Li, Dennis Fan (14301848)12CTUSA2079
17Talukdar, Rohan (14529666)12ONCAN2073
18Padmanabhan, Karthik Sai (14297265)12CAUSA2072
19Ke, Ivan (14933795)12CAUSA2064
20Liu, Aristo S (14702445)12OHUSA2063
21Xia, Brandon Yang (14883805)12CAUSA2056
22Li, Max Jiahua (14431558)12NYUSA2020
23Ling, Evan Maxwell (14699958)12VAUSA2013
24Murugappan, Ganesh M (14360480)12CAUSA1995
25Chen, Jacob (13846270)12NYUSA1972
26Kang, Justin (14554482)12CAUSA1971
27Cervantes, Thalia (15470615)12MOUSA1967
28Markin, Arden Quinlan (14216687)12ALUSA1964
=28Tang, Jason (14217571)12MAUSA1964
=28Vittal, Sanjana (14713858)12NJUSA1964
31Hu, William (14186053)12NYUSA1962
32Chen, Forest (14625022)12TNUSA1961
33Hua, Eugene (15445874)12ONCAN1959
34Bergner-Phillips, Omri (14357726)12NYUSA1956
35Frutos, Chase (14296461)12TXUSA1952
36Buergler, Jacob Bede (13807888)12TXUSA1936
37Senthilkumar, Pranav (14020007)12CAUSA1933
=37Huo, Rannon (14469403)12TXUSA1933
39Liu, Kevin (14737573)12TXUSA1932
40Menon, Vishal (14678251)12VAUSA1923
=40Dobrynin, Dmitri V (14992854)12CAUSA1923
42Li, Marissa (14468490)12ILUSA1912
=42Fan, William G (14502963)12TXUSA1912
44Zhang, Kevin (14256250)12VAUSA1907
45He, Harrison (14165680)12MIUSA1905
46Zhang, Edward (14685367)12ILUSA1903
47Nguyen, Dan (14657961)12AZUSA1900
48Chen, Victor (15099974)12NYUSA1893
49Serota, Adam H (14319088)12PAUSA1888
50Daniels, Noah Montgomery (14307848)12CAUSA1886
51Mangalam, Shreya B (14385521)12ILUSA1883
=51Mathur, Rithwik (15446725)12WIUSA1883
53Nguyen, Dang Minh (13942075)12TXUSA1870
54Yaskolko, Maxim (14007625)12PAUSA1868
=54Gu, Ethan (15207512)12NYUSA1868
56Narang, Ijay (14362795)12TXUSA1858
57Muller, Raymond Wijaya, Ii (14700956)12CAUSA1854
=57Liu, Stanley Tingrui (15057347)12NJUSA1854
59Schillinger, Peter J (14426632)12AZUSA1853
60Zheng, Remington Chengyue (14151193)12PAUSA1851
61Jain, Akshat (14540963)12COUSA1845
62Ganesh, Anirudh (14480784)12TXUSA1842
=62Huang, Max (15043086)12TXUSA1842
64Mi, Michael (13853501)12MAUSA1840
=64Mccoy, Owen (14447115)12ORUSA1840
=64Viswanathan, Arul (14490424)12CAUSA1840
67Gong, Joshua (14618465)12VAUSA1839
68Lee, Spencer (15029083)12GAUSA1836
69Galpern, Malcolm (14096554)12NYUSA1835
=69Berger, Marcello (14826318)12NYUSA1835
71Bareket, Tom (14949310)12ILUSA1833
72Cao, Stanley (14489056)12OHUSA1832
73Wang, Jason (14930890)12TXUSA1831
74Zhang, Henry Hanzhi (14993904)12ONCAN1830
75Romero, Jonah Anthony (14810306)12NMUSA1827
76Jones, Charlie (14239152)12CAUSA1824
77Ng, Brandon (14153335)12NJUSA1823
78Deng, Tim (13200804)12CAUSA1822
79Bonam, Saigautam (14765995)12VAUSA1820
=79Wu, Sijing (14879327)12ALUSA1820
81Bandi, Rohit Choudary (14605830)12TXUSA1819
82Mao, Andrew Sun-Rong (14290440)12TXUSA1818
83Lohr, Bryant (13917951)12VAUSA1814
84Roonprapunt, Tyler (14345991)12NYUSA1813
85Wilson Jr, Bryan (14359922)12MIUSA1807
86Kleidermacher, Justin (14207464)12FLUSA1804
=86Agarwal, Yuvanshu (14789992)12NJUSA1804
88Bashkansky, Naomi (14048474)12WAUSA1803
89Yen, Sarah (13908701)12NJUSA1800
=89Grills, Jack (14197314)12CTUSA1800
91Zhou, Anthony (14202012)12CAUSA1795
=91Nayberg, Simona (14373224)12CAUSA1795
93Lu, Eric (14370108)12CAUSA1791
94Liu, Zhanhe (15296682)12ONCAN1789
95Revesz, Gregory (14267134)12NEUSA1787
96Tian, Samuel Walter (14491983)12TXUSA1784
97Rathnashyam, Arvind Kandasamy (14838526)12VAUSA1782
98Vispute, Atharva P (15046237)12COUSA1778
=98Puri, Ishaan (15116571)12WAUSA1778
100Suganraj, Brian (14089171)12OHUSA1772
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
